Sometimes a replica designed to steal attention can feature your vehicle better than anything else. Get the best replica of your truck or vehicle with us. Toy Truck Promotions are the best way to show the models of truck that you have got. The custom print that we provide for trailers, tractors and trucks can prove to be a good passive advertisement method. Anybody would place their orders with you if you can show them the best designs that you have got. So it might be a good idea to carry your specimens with you. Trust us to imprint your due cast replicas and custom design for your need.
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Chose from Custom layouts or design your own: We can offer help in your designing layout for your cars with our specialties layouts as well. Our specialties include imprinting custom design on cars including International, Kenworth, Mack, Peterbilt & Volvo trucks. We custom Die cast and makes it looks just as original as it cloud be. So it might be the best way for you to earn credits for your company reputation too. Having a truck replica designed by us you can earn yourself credibility since the work done by us has a story to tell itself.
Make the best impression: So let us design your model and we will add charm to it. You can choose your imprints from our variety of custom imprints or we can design you a novel piece. We offer no minimum requirement policy for die cast vehicles like semi truck or tractors or trailers. We also design for promotional die cast vehicles where a good inspiring quote or ones company motto can be branded at front. Sizes available with us for Toy Truck Promotions include 3 inches and are up to 25 inches long.
Reach the best people and impress your clients: The trucks or trailers that we design explicitly for clients are appealing visually with full color logos and graphics. We can also add LED headlights too that can also be found with us. We make the replica look real and at the same time showcase all its features to your clients. While turning a potential client in to business client one can also ask us to add some text that might go with the clients company as well and that will definitely elevate your impression with them.